Big Three Automakers to Have More Job Openings

It is a promising time for those that are looking to find work with the big three US automakers, as all three major companies are reporting that they are just about at maximum output with the current number of workers that they have, and this is with allowing the workers to do their maximum over time amounts. Of course the past few weeks are the exception to this rule with many of these plants having to reduce their work load due to the parts shortage that they are having due to the Japanese plants still being closed or working on a half time basis. So what are automakers going to do?


All three automakers have said that by 2015 they believe that they are going to be able to offer another 36,000 factory jobs to those that are qualified for the positions. These new hirins are going to be on the Tier 2 level, which they can do according to the UAW contract that they have. However, the contracts are meant to go up for more negotiations sometime in the next few months. Therefore, the workers could look at better benefits.


Right now it looks as though the new workers would be making around $48 per hour with their wages and benefits combined. This is slightly below what Toyota is offering its workers, however, at a time in which people are still struggling to find work, it is welcoming news. It is still unclear if the big three automakers are going to start hiring new workers at the end of this year or if this figure is meant to be in the 2015 year or not. However, with sales that are climbing, it would seem that this is going to happen sooner rather than later. This is also good news for those that have been laid off since it means that they are going to have first come basis on these new openings in the plants.

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