Car Repair related question #3539

I am getting ready to have my car fixed for some major problems and am unsure of just where I should go to get this repair done. Should I go to the dealership that deals with cars of my brand or choose someone that has their own repair shop?



Best Answer Chosen by Voters:

When getting a car repaired it is important that you choose the right technician, after all, you want to make sure that you are getting the car repaired the first time and getting it done right the first time. Otherwise, you are wasting your money. In terms of whether to go to a dealerships or to an independent repairman, the person should check to see if their car is under warranty, if so then the dealership is going to be the best bet since warranties are voided if the person chooses an independent auto repair technician. However, for those that are paying this out of their own pocket and do not have a warranty, then they should shop around for the best rates and service in their area. They should keep in mind what the reputation of the technician is and ask them if they do work on the brand of vehicle that they are bringing in, since many technicians have a niche brand that they work on.