Old Car Reviews

Not everyone can afford to buy a brand new car when they are ready to purchase something new. These people are looking for older cars that they can afford. They want something that is going to stand up against the miles that they will be putting on these cars everyday, while also find a great bargain.

Finding information about old cars does not mean that the person is going to have to simply go with their gut feeling when they find these cars on the lot. They are going to find that there are several reviews out there that they can use in order to find the old car that is going to fit their needs the best and be something that they are going to love to have.

old car reviewsTypes of Old Cars

The person that is looking for old cars, are more than likely going to be looking for old cars that fall into one of two categories:

  1. Old cars that they can drive each day
  2. Old cars that are basically for show

Depending on the type of car that they are looking for will really dictate just what type of review that they are going to find and what will be in these reviews.

Reviews for Old Cars to Drive Each Day

For those that are looking for old cars that they can drive each day, they are going to find that the reviews that they will be looking for are basically used car reviews. And within a used car review, the person will find a wealth of information to use in order to make a decision on which is the best option to buy for their needs:

  1. Performance
  2. Personal Experience
  3. Price

About Performance

The person will find that they are getting a ton of information about the performance of the old car. They may find information pertaining to how well the car preformed when it was brand new, and they will find that they are getting information that is current as to how well that it performs now. A few key issues to watch out for is if people are finding that they have to put forth a ton of work in order to make the car perform as well or if they able to get the basic kind of performance that has always been put forth by the car.

Personal Experience

With used car reviews on these older cars, the person will find that most people are going to include some personal experiences. These personal experiences can be great ways to make a decision as to which car is going to be the best for you. You will find that they will include information about the car and its handling. How much work that they have had to put the car through over the years, and so forth. All of which are important to know when choosing the best older car for you to drive each day.


Perhaps one of the most important aspects of any older car review is the price aspects. They are going to find that most of these reviews will include a price for what the car was when it was new, while also including a ball park estimate for how much the person should pay for it now that it is older. The person may also find that some review are going to include the price of auto insurance and upkeep as well to give people an overall idea of what to expect.

Reviews for Older Cars to Show

There is a huge difference between buying older cars that you can drive each day and buying those older cars that are going to be for showing purposes only. The difference is going to be found in the reviews as well since they are going to find that they will want different aspects talked about in these reviews to ensure that they are getting something that is going to work for them:

  1. Types of Competition Eligible For
  2. Work that needs to be put into these cars

Competitions Available

One aspect that will be addressed is just what type of contests that the car can compete in. They will also find that most people will acknowledge what is considered to be the best cars in that category. For those that are wanting to buy the best, they are going to find that they will find this advice to be some of the best that they will ever run across.

Work to be Done

This is an important aspect since the person needs to realize that with every older car out there that they will still need to be forth some work to make it to the point that it is show ready. Many reviews will point out the hard things that have to be done in order to get the car to this point.

Where to Find Older Car Reviews

No matter if you are looking for these older cars as a way to have some sort of transportation or as a way to make sure that you have the best car that is being shown on the market. You will find that the sources for this information are the same:

  1. Websites
  2. Magazines


The types of website that the person will want to focus on are:

  1. Automotive review sites such as Edmunds.com, Caranddriver.com, etc.
  2. Forums that are going to include talk about the older cars that are out there and what to expect


There are many magazines that are devoted to make sure that the person finds the older car information that they are going to need in order to make a decision.

Overall, for the person out there that is looking for an older car, they are going to find that they have plenty of selection. They will want to use these reviews as a way to get started in finding the perfect one from them, then use their own personal opinion on finding the one that is going to be meant for them.

2 Responses to “Old Car Reviews”

  • Dharma Says:

    March 28th, 2012 at 1:53 am

    I’d say it’s the dealer’s riniossibelpty to tell Auto Trader when a car is sold. That’s if the car ever existed. They didn’t say something like, “That car is sold, but we have a really nice one that’s just a little bit more.” did they?

  • Kevin Says:

    March 28th, 2012 at 2:09 am

    Well, they needed to be glegpud in on a regular basis to recharge. If your commute took up it’s cells, then you had to be able to plug in to recharge in order to go home. VERY few parking garages have outlets, and regular parking lots never do. When they cells got low on charge, the power in the car was pathetic and you could easily get stranded. They were also a royal pain in the butt on long trips. Finding a place willing to let you plug in your car and run their electric bill up that high was hard, or even impossible.This made the electric only car very unfeasible. They could come back today if people would build an electric solar hybrid that used storage cells to store solar power. These cars could be feasible, although long lasting bad weather would mean you would need to plug in again.

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