Review of 2012 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque SUV

The 2012 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque SUV is one of the first Land Rover's to hit the market that is aiming for a different crowd. Since Land Rover was first intruded it has been consistently known as an SUV that people are going to buy if they are into going off roading, and wanting something that is going to stand the test of time and be easy to clean after these road trips. However, the Evoque is something that is entirely different. This model has an interior that has been designed by Victoria Beckham, while offering something to those that are more than likely not going to see much off roading in their future, but rather some long commutes to work and the country club. So just what can people expect with the Evoque?

2012 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque SUV

First off, they are not going to have as much head room as they are used to in the Land Rover offerings. The reason for this is that the roof sits much lower than the traditional SUV's that are offered by the brand. Which is something that people are going to have to get used to. And those that have sit in one of these are quick to point out that the leg room is just as inadequate. Those that are riding in the back better hope that they are not claustrophobic, as this SUV could make them have an episode in which they will be dying to get out of the SUV.

So just how does it drive? Most people are finding that driving the Evoque is nothing like driving the other Land Rover SUV's that are on the market. They do not feel as though they are sitting up as tall and they may find that the driving this is more similar to driving a car. Which is something that Land Rover was trying to make sure that they aced, which they did. Those that do drive it are going to find that most of the controls are focused around the touch screen that is found on the dashboard, which is something that was borrowed from Jaguar, and seems to make the Evoque slightly more luxurious. Taking turns is something that the Evoque does very well since it is not as tall and the risk of roll over is not as high as in traditional Land Rovers. The Evoque can do some off roading, however, the person should not be buying this for that ability since it is never going to compete with the original Land Rover's in that category.

So is the Evoque something that people should consider? It is different that other models that have been released by Land Rover and this is making it something of interest to those that can afford it. And being able to afford it is the key, as the base model is around $45,000. However, even with that being said, the person is going to find that the Evoque is geared to be one of the best selling Land Rover's that is out there. So don't be surprised when you start to see these cursing down the road and parked in your office parking lot as they are intriguing to so many that want to have the next best thing.

2 Responses to “Review of 2012 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque SUV”

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  • Kumar Says:

    March 27th, 2012 at 10:50 pm

    / Benimde ekliyceklerim var tabi bana gore aatmmen sorunsuz bir arac sadece 2 ci el alacaklar kursatin dedigi gibi arabayi bastan sona yenilenmeli ama sadece hortumlar sarz vs benim moturum 300 binde bitti turbom bitmemisti ama 250 binde degistim neyse aracin tc sistemi calisma seklinden bahsedeyim arac bir yerde batar veya cikmada zorlanirsa ayaginizi gazdan cekip basarsaniz tc nin kafasi karisir bundaki en onemli olay gazi sabit tutup isi tc birakmak bende 35 lastik var burda arabanin sanjimanini yoruyor bu gercek ama 100.000 gider sikinti yok debriyaz parasina sanziman yapiyorlar bu arabalarin onu kafaya takmayin ben bu aracla arazide hic kalmadim makanik arizadan sadece uzun yolda cok kaldim ama hep hortum patladi hortum bu arabada cok onemli hortum degistirdinizmi mutlaka yerlerine takmaniz lazim kopcalarina gecilirmeli yoksa titresimden surtunmeden deliniyor baskada sorunu yok bana gore birde uc amigo diyorlarlar oda sorun degil 1000 tl civari yeni beyin ama genelde beyin de sorun olmuyor aracin beyni aatmmen su gecilmez bir lakla kapali sadece fisin ayaklari oksit oluyor ondan yapiyor balata sipreyi ile temizledim silikon sprey siktim arac aatmmen duzeldi ama ben beyin de almis bulundum biri yedek kaldi bana

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