Top Car Executives Predict Future of Electric Cars
Top auto industry executives are predicting that by the year 2020 one fourth of all the vehicles on the road or offered for sale will be one of three types of cars. They will be electric, hybrids, or plug-ins. The chairman of Ford Motor Company is also predicting that their company will have about a fourth of their cars will also be electric, which is way up from now that is only a couple of percent.
Ford has mentioned that its newest Focus Electric models will come off the same assembly line no matter whether they are powered by electricity, gas, or diesel. After the Ford Focus, Ford is planning on concentrating on the C-Max, which is a five seat hatchback. It is an electric version of a hybrid plug in.
The CEO of Renault-Nissan says that the number of electric cars on the road will not be a fourth, but closer to ten percent, but they are not counting in the hybrids, just the electric cars. If the United States does not install millions of charging stations there is a good chance that we will not be ready for the electric and hybrid cars. If this happens the United States will be left behind. The United States also needs to build a smart grid and get those charge stations built, but make sure that they are in many public spots and in garages.
These car manufacturers are so concerned about building these electric and hybrid cards, there are soon going to be more cars than there are charging stations. Before they build too many cars, they need to concentrate on the charging stations, especially if the top car manufacturers are predicting that a fourth of all cars by the 2020 are going to be either electric or hybrids. These cars will help provide smart road and smart parking with less fuel emissions, but hopefully the car manufactures do not put the car before the charging station.
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