Economy Straightening only to have Setback

New statistics released show that last years Americans drove around three trillion miles. This is an increase from the 2009 year. So what does this mean? Most analysts say that this shows that the American people are ready for the economy to change. However, with the oil prices the way that they currently are, with most people paying a little under four dollars a gallon for regular fuel, it seems that the progress that was made is going to amount to nothing. However, most people are wondering that with the rising prices of fuel if more and more people are not going to be improving the economy through the purchase of new vehicles. 


With gasoline prices rising almost each and ever day, more and more people may be considering the smaller cars that get high miles per gallon of gasoline, as well as those that are electric cars. The goal for President Obama is to have over two million on these electric vehicles on the roads by 2015, in fact, he is aiming more for the five million mark or so. With the gas prices the way that they are, it could be a feasible goal since people are tired of spending almost their entire paycheck at the pump to fill up the car in order to get to work to get another paycheck. 


No one can know for sure what the future will hold for the automotive world, however, most automakers are putting in a great deal of their time to make sure that they are having electric cars on the market for the consumer to choose from. However, even with the risking prices of gasoline, the consumer may still not want to get rid of their gas guzzling vehicles. Only time will tell what the economy will come to and what the automotive world will come to as well, hopefully it is one conclusion that most people will agree with.

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