Rising Gas Prices, More Choices in Cars

With the rising gas prices, the automakers of the world are changing to include more fuel efficient vehicles in their lineup. This past week, the New York Auto Show gave a few brief glimpses of those cars that are answering the call for the gas that is going over four dollars per gallon. The key aspect that most professionals are noticing with the four dollar gasoline is that many automakers are making sure that they are producing cars that the consumer world wants. 


Included in those that were seen at the New York Auto Show was cars introduced by Mazda, Kia, and Hyundai, who have always been leaders in the fuel mileage category. While Ford introduced the 2013 Taurus that is larger than other cars out there, but still manages to get around thirty one miles per gallon. Chevrolet also showed off the 2013 Malibu Eco that gets around thirty-eight miles per gallon. 


But besides the high price of gas, why are these automakers producing more cars that are getting this type of gas mileage? People are turning to cars that they can afford, as they no longer want to take a risk with buying something expensive, and the cost of filling up these cars is a big part of the reason that they purchase these vehicles. Hyundai has said that if the market goes as they think that they could see an addition 300,000 small car units being sold on the market. All the automakers have said that they are going to see a drastic switch to the smaller cars rather than the other larger cars on the market, simply due to the cost of gas. They are anticipating this move by having a slue of choices for consumers to choose from. 


There were many other vehicles at the New York Auto Show, however, the gas saving ones were the ones that were stealing the spotlight. Those the sports cars shown were nice, in reality, people are leaning away from the gas guzzlers for these types of cars. 

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