Ford Motor Company Surviving The Economy

To many people's surprise around the world when the economy took a drastic nose dive and the Big Three Automakers rapidly lost business and were sinking into the quagmire of economic loss that swept many of America's largest businesses the Ford Motor Company turned down the bail out money offered by the Government and decided that it would survive on its own or go down fighting. The company has not gone down and, despite stock in the company selling for $ 0.59 cents the company has managed to actually show a small profit in the last couple of years.


They have done this while working on innovative ideas to improve their vehicle safety and create a line of new economy cars to meet the needs of the public. The result is Ford's revolutionary new focus for 2012. This company has created what they call the c-segment series, which is 10 unique cars built on a single platform.

And for those who think that these cars are all similar in appearance you couldn't be more wrong. While some of these cars look like classy sports car models, others are definitely family SUVs. There is even 3 electric car designs to choose from. It is Ford's hope that this design will change the way the world thinks about building small vehicles and that these cars will deliver the kind of choices that today's families want and need. The first four of these unique cars went on sale in 2011.

By the looks of things the 2012 models are even more impressive having all ready gained some excellent overall reviews. Of course there are those who insist that Ford is making a big mistake putting so much on the line with the Ford Focus. These naysayers keep saying that Americans will never purchase smaller cars that they want still want big cars they simply want fuel efficient ones.

However, Ford is betting that these smaller cars will sell well enough around the world to keep their profits growing and help them survive this ongoing economic recession. Only time and the car buying public will tell.

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